Thursday, December 30, 2010

Weight Check

Ok, so I must admit that I am a little obsessed with whether Caleb is eating enough and how much weight he has gained. I have totally utilized the outpatient Lactation Consultants here in Charlotte to their fullest extent. I took Caleb in for a weight check today and found out that he is definitely gaining weight. He is 9 lbs and 4.1 ozs! Can't wait to find out what percentiles he'll be in next week for his 1 month check up.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

3 Weeks Old

Crazy that a week has flown by! I can't believe that Caleb is 3 weeks old and that New Years is around the corner.
The Hardesty house has been full of family for the holidays. Caleb is definitely surrounded by love. We were able to spend time with my family as well as Skype with family in Ohio. He got so many gifts from his MeeMaw and Grandpa Greg and his cousins, it was a bit crazy! We just kept opening gift after gift for Caleb! We also got a bunch of gifts from Sean's co-workers. We are truly blessed to be loved and supported by so many people.
Not only did Sean and I get the best present of all - a healthy baby boy, but Caleb also got to experience his first Christmas, which also his first WHITE Christmas! Apparently this was the first white Christmas since 1947 in Charlotte. It is also the first time that my brother-in-law has been back in Charlotte in about 6 years, of which it snowed pretty heavily then too! (Just to help those of you gage that time that have known me for a while, I was still working at PF Chang's at that time!)
But all good things must come to an end and the entire Wang family headed back to Durham today. Sharon, Shu-huan and the kids will fly back to Dallas on Thursday.
I just really noticed today how much Caleb is getting bigger. My family has noticed Caleb getting bigger, but I guess when you see him everyday you don't notice the changes as much. The moment hit metoday when I was changing Caleb on the changing table and realized he was filling the space up a lot more. He definitely isn't missing any meals. :) He has a milk belly, which is accenuated by his skinny little legs! What a cutie!
Well, that's all for now. I also just posted some new pics for you to see. Love the pics that he smiles in! It just melts the heart!

So Stinkin Cute!

Family/Christmas Pics

Abby's first pedi
Natalie's first pedi

Evey with her little brother Caleb

Caleb with his cousin, Andy

Caleb with his cousin, Natalie

First Family Christmas pic

All bundled up in the snow

Caleb's enjoying his first snow!

Family Christmas pic

Caleb with his cousins on Christmas

Christmas Eve Hot Pot with the family

First smile on camera! Thanks to Sharon Yee-Yee for standing over Caleb with a camera to capture this!

Caleb surrounded by his cousins- Abby, Natalie and Andy

Caleb with his cousin Abby

Caleb meeting his Sharon Yee-Yee and cousins for the first time

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

2 AM Feeding Fun

Ok, so I have heard stories from friends and was kind of expecting something like this......just not so soon. So, I was getting up for Caleb's 2 am feeding and was changing his diaper. Nothing unusual, but as I was lifting his legs up to wipe his bottom he let out some gas. And then he projectile pooped all over me. Mind you, Caleb was on the changing table and I was behind him. It actually flew through the air to hit me in the stomach! I screamed, and I think Sean jumped 2 feet in the air out of the bed. :) There have been a couple of peeing incidents already, but I figured the pooping would come later. Apparently Caleb was holding it in and I was the lucky recipient to his explosive flatulence.
And as all of this was going on, Caleb's umbilical cord finally came off!! For some reason it actually stuck to my arm! :)
Good times....the exciting times of a new mom.

Monday, December 20, 2010

More Pics

Watching Buckeye B-Ball with Daddy

Spending some time with Gong-Gong

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Almost 2 Weeks Old

So, I know all parents say this, but I really think that Caleb is one of the cutest and best babies ever! We have been so fortunate that he has his Daddy's laid back attitude. He sleeps and doesn't cry unless he is hungry or has a major dirty diaper! We are definitely enjoying this time with him, because I know it won't always be this way. :)
He has such an expressive face as well. You can tell when he isn't happy, and he gets the cutest smile on his face! I am still trying to catch one of them, but he is very quick to change his expression. We are at least getting him to keep his eyes open for longer periods of time now. That seems to be the one thing everybody keeps asking us for, pictures where his eyes are open. I just posted one that I think is really good.
As we get more adjusted, we will make sure we keep you posted on updates. We took him for a weight check earlier this week, and he is almost back to his original weight! The jaundice is looking good, he just needs to keep eating and pooping - which neither is an issue for him. :)
The Wang family is coming into town today, so we'll post again as soon as we can!

More Pics

Starting to be more alert. Do I look like my Dad or what?

Laying with Daddy

Snuggling with Mommy with the blanket Grandma Pat made for him. ( Thank you Pat!! Sean and I love the blanket as much as Caleb does. :) )

1 Week Old!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

 Aunt Julie came to visit.
 Caleb's home for 24 hrs because of the jaundice
 Yay!  Getting ready to leave!
First ride in the car
 Evey meeting her little brother
Eyes wide open!
Welcome to the world Caleb!
7.7 Lbs
Getting some QT time with Daddy right after he arrives.
Caleb with Mommy
Caleb with Pau-Pau
Caleb with MeeMaw
Caleb with Grandpa
Caleb with Gong-Gong

The Beginning.....

December 5th
We headed to the hospital on Sunday evening.  We were going in to start the induction process, planning to deliver the next day.  As we settled into the room for one last good nights sleep....yeah right...try sleeping with 2 ticking clocks and a fetal monitor rattling away all night. :)  Let me try that again.  We settled into our room, then the doctor came in and gave me some Cervadil and we tried to get some sleep.  Around 5:30am my contractions became more intense.  The nurses came in around 7:00am to start the Pitocin, and just asked when I could get an epidural. :)  Not sure what she was thinking, but the nurse mentioned a 2 day induction.  I almost jumped out of the bed to strangle her!  No one said anything about this lasting 2 days! Anyways, the doctor came in shortly after and told us we were around 1 1/2-2 cm dilated.  She told us that she didn't think we would be delivering until around lunch time or after.  But she did say I could go ahead and get my epidural, so I didn't really care about anything after that.  Well...she came back a few hours later and checkd me again, and I was already 9 cm dilated!  Thankfully I already had my epidural b/c some of my contractions were going off the monitor and were coming pretty quickly.  I could actually feel some of them even with the medicine.  Both grandparents had arrived at the hospital thankfully, and were anxiously awaiting Caleb's arrival.
We pushed for about an hour....and Caleb Li-Shen Hardesty finally arrived at 11:53am!  He weighed 7.7 lbs and was 19 inches long.  Sean was a great birthing couch and cut the cord!  We were all very thankful it happened so quickly and with no issues.
December 8th
We were getting ready to be discharged and then found out that Caleb had jaundice.  The pediatrician said that his levels were high enough, that she wanted to keep him another night so that he was under the high power lamps.  So, we ended up "boarding" at the hospital for another night.  (First, I didn't know you could do such a thing.  Second, how much was this going to end up costing us. :))
Thankfully he tested much better the next day and we were finally discharged that afternoon.  So we all headed home to start our lives with our new addition!