Sunday, July 31, 2011

Pictures from the week

Evey and Caleb playing tug

Caleb's new thing. Leaning his head onto his right shoulder and smiling at you.

Caleb loves his new hat (not really, it's a toy bucket)! If you've ever seen and old chinese movie, this looks just like it. All he needs is some long hair and fu-man-chu. :)

Trying to pull himself out of the pack and play

Skinny Dippin! :)

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Visit with MeMaw

MeMaw came to visit right on the heels of the visit with Sharon and the kids. Unfortunately, she got caught in some bad weather that was going through Detroit and ended up staying the night at the Columbus, OH airport. This was not the best experience, especially for someone that is fairly new to flying alone. Luckily, she made a new friend and ended up taking the first flight out of Columbus to Charlotte. Caleb has really enjoyed her visit. Here are a few pictures.

Caleb is starting to chew

Caleb started trying to chew his baby food today. We knew he wanted to start eating solids, but this is too funny. Enjoy!

Caleb is a natural in the water

We took Caleb to the pool while we were in Durham. He is a natural, but seems to lov playing peek-a-boo anywhere and everywhere.

Visit with Sharon Yee-Yee and his cousin's- Abby, Natalie and Andy

Sharon Yee-Yee and Caleb's cousin's came to visit in Durham. We headed down for a long weekend, and Caleb had a blast! He got to play with his cousins, went to the pool for the first time and met all the Auntie's for the first time. Here are some pictures of the weekend.

Pictures from a couple of weeks ago.

We've had a busy few weeks, so I am a little behind on updating pics. Here are some random pics from a few weeks ago.