Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter Weekend Part III

Happy Easter!!!
We woke up and saw that the Easter Bunny had stopped off to leave Caleb, Sophie and Evey baskets!  Everyone enjoyed getting all of the goodies.  BaBa then made everyone breakfast and then we got dressed and tried to take some pictures while we could. Unfortunately the weather isn't very good today, so the pictures outside aren't the best.  We also had an egg hunt in the backyard in after Caleb's afternoon nap.  He was only interested in the eggs with things inside and discarded the shell afterwards...particularly the eggs with jellybeans. :)

Caleb tearing into his basket
Sophie cautiously looking....but we'll see how she reacts next year. :)
Love my little cutie!!
Enjoying some puffs together. :)
 Enjoying some jellybeans.....note it is only 9:30am - but it was the only way I could get Caleb to sit down.


my handsome little man


Easter Weekend Part II

We had quite a busy Saturday.  We had our friend Minerva's 3rd Birthday and Holi Celebration.  Holi is the Indian Celebration of Colors.   Somehow we were actually the first to arrive, so Caleb and Minerva played with her train set for a few mins, then the fun and madness began. :)  I think the pictures explain themselves, but basically the kids were putting colored powder on themselves and us (an by us- I mean me.)  The party was so fun, both Sophie and Caleb were tuckered out on the car ride home.
After a quick nap and rest, we headed out for a last minute Easter Egg Hunt at his friend Elyn's house.  I only got a chance to take one pic, before we started hunting.  This was of them all waiting to go into the backyard and find them.  I'll admit, it was a bit anti-climatic, since none of the kids really got that into it. But since the oldest one was 3, that was probably the reason why....maybe next year.
By the end of the day, everyone was completed tuckered out.

Easter Weekend Part I

Easter has definitely become more of an event these days.  Caleb and Sophie have gotten a few chances to celebrate the day over the last two weeks.  This week they got their easter package from MiMi and PaPa.  Some enjoyed it more than others as we were opening it......
Thank you for the presents!!

Sunday, March 24, 2013


So we were trying to take a picture with Pau-Pau and Gong-Gong before they left.  Caleb decided to have a meltdown and didn't want to leave my side.  These are the pictures we took just to document that he isn't always happy, which I know some of you don't believe when we say he has his moments. This moment lasted about two hrs..... :)  I even took a video of him when I put him in timeout in his room, while Sophie sat there perfectly content next to me.  She has definitely become more settled and Caleb comes into this true "toddler" phase.  At least they are switching with each other and not like this at the same time. 


Saturday, March 23, 2013

Getting Spoiled...

Can you tell Sophie is enioying her visit with Pau-Pau and Gong-Gong?  Especially since she's getting all of this attention and a massage!

Easter Egg Hunt

We went to an easter egg hunt even with the not so nice weather and Caleb loved it.  Petting zoo with baby chicks, bunnies,  piglets,  a sheep and a goat.  And the got to hold a bunny too. We then got a balloon sword, but he wasn't interested in getting hus face painted.  He loved the easter egg hunt and got a bunch of goodies.  I'm sure he'll love the egg hunt at school this week and the one we'll have for him here at home .

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Absolute Sweetness

Caleb and Elyn walking out of church hand in hand together......(of course he had to take his monkeys with him)

Weekend Fun

The weather has been absolutely fantastic the last couple of days, so we have been trying to take advantage of it.  Going to the park, the St. Patrick's Day Parade and playing around the house.  Here are some pics of some of the fun.

Caleb and Sophie swinging together.  Caleb going super fast and super high, and Sophie going slow. (Caleb's words)

 Waiting for the parade to start.  I think Sophie enjoyed it more than Caleb did.
 Caleb liked seeing all of the instruments- bagpipes, drums and trumpets( he pointed those out himself. Something he learned at school)
 Enjoying one of the two cupcakes he took that we baked for St. Patricks Day.  Mommy made him go outside to eat them.  You can see why.
 Sitting with his monkeys.
Sophie and Caleb sitting in the laundry basket together, while skyping with MiMi and PaPa