Monday, May 18, 2015

Miss Sass

Sophie's End of the School Year Party

Outside Play Time

Sean set up some camping gear in the back yard this weekend bc the weather was so nice. Caleb was loving it.
Thought I'd also share a face that Sophie has a lot lately.. This is her tired, pouty, someone just said the word "No" to me look. Although, I will say too that this is the more subdued version as well. Many times this face includes years, snot and screaming. Sophie is well into her terrible twos.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Happy Mother's Day

It was a busy weekend in the Hardesty household this weekend. I had some corporate training for RandF, Sean ran our Yard Sale while I was gone and then Sunday was Mother's Day.  Right now Caleb and Sophie have a love (and when they love it makes your heart swell)/hate (mostly Sophie wanting things her way and not liking it when Caleb touches or looks at her, or in general just breaths :)). 
I hate we couldn't spend it with our own mother's, but we hope they know we love them and celebrate and cherish their love and support everyday.  We love you!!


Sophie's new obsession. She is actually pretty coordinated with her fine motor skills to manage this effort at the age of 2. :)

Muffins for Moms

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Getting some Baseball practicing in

It's been so nice and clean woke up this morning wanting to play some baseball. When he focuses, he can connect with the ball petty well.
And apparently Sophie will be a great ball girl and cheerleader

Future Fighter

We orders Caleb his own boxing gloves since he loves to play with mama's. I think he's got it down...

Evey's 8th Birthday!

We celebrated Evey's birthday Friday. We made her a homemade cake and some treats

Strawberry Picking

We went strawberry picking this week. There was a ton of fun stuff to do while we were there. This weekend we spent the day making a ton of treats with our pickings. And fully enjoyed the process and the end results!